Realty Texas Blog

Whether you’re looking to learn the best practices for staging your house to sell or the trendiest places for brunch in your town, the Realty Texas blog has something for everyone! We regularly bring our readers valuable content they can use in every aspect of their life.

Building Your Dream Home: Key Considerations for Custom House Construction

Building a custom house is an exciting endeavor that allows you to bring your vision of a dream home to life. It offers a unique opportunity to personalize every aspect of your living space, ensuring...


By Sean Reece

06-13-2023 07:45:31 CST

The Significance of an Option Period in Home Purchases

When purchasing a home, an option period is an important aspect of the contract that provides the buyer with the opportunity to conduct further inspections and investigations of the property before fully committing to the...


By Jane Champagne

06-12-2023 02:36:38 CST

Surviving the Texas Summer

The Texas summer season is notorious for scorching temperatures and intense heat waves. As the sun beats down relentlessly, it's crucial to take steps to stay cool and safe. Whether you're a Texan resident or...


By Marcie Lowery

06-11-2023 04:28:05 CST

How to Make Your Dream of Home Ownership Come True

Hey there! Are you dreaming of owning your own home? Well, let's have a chat about how you can turn that dream into a reality. Buying a home is an exciting journey, and with the...


By Sean Reece

06-06-2023 05:57:42 CST

Pick the Brick

What is inside a house turns it into a home. Many people take great care when choosing how it looks from the outside too. Bringing both together is a fine art and one of the...


By Ken Jimmerson

06-04-2023 08:52:33 CST

One Last Step