Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup

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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License Name Company License Issued License Expires Status
AdRod Adan Rodriguez Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
lishsadiq Alishba Sadiq Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
amandahud Amanda Milward Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
aromerol Andrea Romero Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
angelabal Angela Bal Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
aashton Anna Ashton Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
annecano Anne Cano Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
AnushaR Anusha Seelam Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
asiacruz Asia Cruz Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BJSCASBDS Brittany Sellers Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BASchaefer Bryan Schaefer Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Cburson Carol Burson Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Superstar Catrina Figueroa Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CERICHSON Christian Erichson Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CLTapia Claudia Ledezma Tapia Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
crystalrj Crystal Johnson Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Cherryca Cynthia Cherry Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
caradineda Danielle Johnson Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
danyam Danya Martinez Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
davidlocho David Ho Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Dmlove Deja Love Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
spiveytx61 Don Spivey Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
dustinmeyer Dustin Lee Meyer Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Ellatamika Ellatamika Bonner Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
EJTHOMAS Erhonda Thomas Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
GVarela Gilberto Varela Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
almaluz ILeana Armenta Olvera Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
irodmata Isabel Rodriguez Mata Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ivytran Ivy Tran Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
stapletonhar Jack Stapleton Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
jmpittman Jacqueline Pittman Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JayCeeJCFA James Ang Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JChamp Jane Champagne Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
jqchuy Jesus Quintanilla Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jolaCRTX Jola Crivelli Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
jordjohn Jordan Johnson Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SixSeven Jose Gonzalez Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JWoodard Joyce Woodard Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
hackerman5 Katy Hackerman Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KelseyHRTX Kelsey Howell Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
kjimmerson Kenneth Jimmerson Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KennyYRTX Kenneth Young Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
matthewskl Kimberly Matthews Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
kristiepe Kristie Perry Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
LMJJJT LaShondra Thompson Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
QIvory Laquita Ivory Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
LeighLH Leigh Hearn Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
leonidese Leonides Estrada Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Lorenakbza Lorena Cabezas Aguirre Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LCarre Luis Carreon Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
LyndaConway Lynda Conway Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Yeziam Lyndie Thorpe Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MariR Maribeth Ray Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MarkMyers Mark Myers Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MHWARREN Martha Warren Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CHAMALMK Melinda King Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Melma22 Melissa Arocha Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Msagier Muaaz Sagier Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
nasirk Nasir Khan Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
rickmorgan Rick Morgan Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RWWALKER Roger Walker Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
mccroryron Ronald McCrory Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RosaBenite Rosa Benitez Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Grosse Salicia Grosse Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SharronD Sharron Davis Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
servin Shaye Ervin Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ShirleyTP Shirley Torres-Pena Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TammyChamp Tammy Champ Realty Texas LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ti1970 Thao Le Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MTG Theresa Garza Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
tackley80 Tom Ackley Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ToriAnton Tori Antoniadis Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
vnessbui Vanessa Bui Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
williamdiaz William Diaz Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
YTavera Yorman Tavera Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Zjeffre Zuriel Spencer Realty Texas Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive

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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.

This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.

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