Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup
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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License | Name | Company | License Issued | License Expires | Status |
ACONRAD | Adelaide Conrad | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Asegre | Adriana Segre | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
AGIBSON | Alana Gibson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ALEXFUJI | Alejandra Fujigaki Ollervides | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
aledillon | Alejandra Gonzalez Dillon | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
AleQuiroz | Alejandra Quiroz | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
alexism | Alexis Morua | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
AMORAAX | Alfredo Morales | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cold009 | Amanda Henson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
AMWessels | Amanda Wessels | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
cold0901 | Amy Bonsall | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
amylyn | Amy Counts | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
santivanez | Ana Santivanez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
hopematt | Angela Matthews | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
awold | Ann Wold | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Aprillakeg | April Westbrook | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
AMGOLD | Arthur Goldsmith | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ACDIXON | Ashley Dixon | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Aschoonover | Ashley Shadbolt | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
AugustineO | Augustine Ozuniga | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BAMBIK | Bambi Knights | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CEGIELSB | Barbara Cegielski | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BCORBIN | Barbara Corbin | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BethanyF | Bethany Faulkner | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
bstraub | Bethany Straub | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BERRYB | Beverly Berry | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BJKUYKEN | Bonnie Kuykendall | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BreannaE | Breanna Easthom | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
bdfrank | Brenda Frank | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BRIANJB | Brian Bischoffberger | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
domingue | Brian Domingue | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD3 | Bridget Bledsoe | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BKrone | Bronwyn Rasmussen-Krone | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
VOLLERBA | Bruce Vollertsen | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
bbeaucbu | Brynn Beauchamp | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CaitlynS | Caitlyn Sharp | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cwaida | Calvin Waida | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CandyPC | Candy Ponce | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CJRIVERA | Carlos Rivera, Jr. | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
caadams | Carly Adams | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KEKL | Carol Bowen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CAROLC | Carol Carroll | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DUKEHART | Carol Dukehart | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LORAC | Carol Murray | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CWolfe | Carol Wolfe | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CSFISHER | Carolyn S. Fisher | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
VANRHEEN | Carolyn Vanrheen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cddixon | Cassandra Dixon | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CLAKEY | Cathy Lakey | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
ANDERBUD | Charles Anderson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CGROCE | Charles Groce | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CLANG | Charles Lang | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cyancura | Charles Yancura | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
chasea | Chase Alexander | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CEddins | Chase Eddins | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CROONEY | Cheryl Rooney | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ChloeCOLD09 | Chloe Villarreal | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CDOMAN | Chris Domangue | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CFinnell | Christi Finnell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CHRISANN | Christina Domangue | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CHODGE | Christopher Hodge | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0913 | Cindy Bradberry | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0912 | Cindy Moniz | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cbjprop | Clark Jones | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cdasilva | Claudia Da Silva | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD0999 | Concepcion Ruiz | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CDEVER | Corinne Dever | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD09HG | Courtney Barker | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CYNDIEB | Cyndie Bowman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LOONEY | Cynthia Looney | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD091 | Cynthia Sanders | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CEWALL | Cynthia Wallace | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
WelshC | Cynthia Welsh | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DaMarti | Dalila Martinez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DANAES | Danae Wheat | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DHamann | Daniel Hamann | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DARBY | Darby Middlebrooks | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
milehigh | David Jackson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JensenDa | David Jensen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
dradair | Dawn Adair | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MORAAX | Deann Morales | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DEANNAC | Deanna Clark | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DTA | Debbie Almaguer | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DJBROWN | Debbie Brown | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DLPAT | Debbie Patterson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DSCHVARTZ | Debora Schvartz | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DTAUSSIG | Deborah Taussig | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DEBWILL | Deborah Williams | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD234 | Debra Doran | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BIGCUZ | Derek McKentie | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
dgoodwyn | Deron Goodwyn | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Desminor94 | Destiny Minor | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
GORDONR | Dick Richards | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DMaldonado | Diego Maldonado Hellebuyck | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DONDA | Donda Vinson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DonnaTexas | Donna Williams | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DDDEGRUY | Dyan DeGruy | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
FIGEDDIE | Eduardo Figueroa, Jr. | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD094 | Elaine Raneri | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DAVSMITH | Elden Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
EAF | Elizabeth Funderburk | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ECroniser | Emily Croniser | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
EmilyGamez | Emily Gamez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
FMWATER | Fabian Martinez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
FranRomero | Francisco Romero | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SKOWRON | Frank Skowronski | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
GabrielaC | Gabriela Carugno | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
GAYTHARP | Gay Tharp | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
GORR | Genene Orr | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
GEDZIP | George Diaz | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
GEO2303 | Geovanny Santos | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
GioM | Giovanni Molina | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PATPATCC | Gloria Castellanos Coello | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
guialehr | Guia Lehr | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MIRELES | Gustavo Mireles | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
HaleyAnne | Haley Johnson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
hhblease | Hannelise Blease | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
HEATHERVES | Heather Vest | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
iharris | Ian Harris | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
INGRIDM | Ingrid McConnell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
renikam | Irena Kamfolt | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
IGill32 | Isaiah Gilliam | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JWATT | Jackie Waters | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
warnejam | James Warner | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JPH | Jana Hernandez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JLCASKEY | Janet Caskey | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JKOPFLER | Janice Kopfler | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JMSMITH | Janie Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JasonA1 | Jason Alexander | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Jasonmh | Jason Howard | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Jasonkarl | Jason Karl | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JWYAR | Jason Yarbrough | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JHCOOK | Jeana Cook | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
eschey | Jeanne Eschenfelder | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
jenayaf | Jenaya Ferguson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JJFARGO | Jennifer Fargo | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JennyHill | Jennifer Hill | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD095 | Jennifer Irish | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JALEEVER | Jennifer Leever | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JeremyCOLD | Jeremy Miller | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MORRISOJ | Jerry Morrison | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
jesslane | Jessica Calfee | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JessicaMacC | Jessica MacCallum | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JESSICASIR | Jessica Siros | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
powellj | Jillane Powell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Jodireev | Jodi Reeves | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JLDalak | Joel Dalak | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JDiehl | John Diehl | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JPEASE | John Pease | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JMSWAN | John Swanstrom | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JVOZNIAK | John Vozniak | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JMPACK | Johnny Pack | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jbratch | Joshua Bratchett | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JEJR | Juan Espinoza | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
juanvas | Juan Vasquez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JLAZARUS | Judith Lazarus | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JSPOKES | Judith Spokes | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JuliaO | Julia Ogbevoen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JDiazTX | Julian Diaz | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JULIEANG | Julie Angilella | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CABOT | Julie Cabot | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JulieHF | Julie French | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KaraCOLD09 | Kara Whitaker | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KARENTAMU | Karen Mitchell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JoneKara76 | Karri Evans | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KMKAIGH | Kathleen Kaigh | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KathCOLD | Kathleen Milca Montano | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KATYZ | Kathleen Zukis | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
kkrispin | Kathryn Krispin | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KATMCKAY | Kathryn McKay | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0911 | Kathy Duvall | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KGILBERT | Keith Gilbert | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
kfair | Kelly Fair | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
HARBINKW | Kenneth Harbin | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
kpfent | Kess Pfent | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
kevcarr | Kevin Carr | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
kevinjm | Kevin McCullough | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SCHAMEL | Kevin Schamel | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
kskip | Kevin Skipworth | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KMBLUND | Kim Brewer Lund | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KDCOMBS | Kim Combs | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KRUFCA | Kim Rufca | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KimberlyQ | Kimberly Capstin | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD093 | Kimberly Glenn | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Kjordi | Kimberly Jordan | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KRIDLER | Kimberly Kridler | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KMEYERS | Kimberly Meyers | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KimberlyTS | Kimberly Stewart | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
kimstrick | Kimberly Strickler | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Kwomack | Kishi Womack | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KROACH | Kristin Roach | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RIEGERK | Kristine Rieger | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KCATMAN | Kyle Catanzaro | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Kyleaguas | Kyle Watters | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LHayne | Lacey Haynes | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LANETTAS | Lanetta Strothers | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
larar | Lara Reilly | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
GILCREAS | Larry Gilcrease | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LTRAYLER | Larry Trayler | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Lachavez | Laura Chavez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
lteveret | Laura Everett | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LWestbrook | Laura Westbrook | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LGWRIGHT | Laura Wright | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
lgelfand | Lauren Gelfand | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LaurenNicole | Lauren Parish | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLDLaurie | Laurie West | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
ldejean | Lawrence Dejean | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LFay | Lawrence Fay | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
lgatlin | Leigh Gatlin | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
letti | Leticia Salazar | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
cold092 | Liberty Urban | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
lilianaph | Liliana Pappagallo | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Lilianasal | Liliana Salinas | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LEAVES | Linda Eaves | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
lindaf | Linda Fuentes | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
HELMICK | Linda Helmick | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LGS | Linda Salinas | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LWEDICK | Linda Wedick | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
EKIM | Linda Wilson | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
lbaring | Lisa Baring | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LCOUFAL | Lisa Coufal | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LLMNFAY | Lisa Fay | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
lisamc | Lisa McGinnis | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LISARAS | Lisa Rasmussen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LISEL | Lise Lunden | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LMMizell | Logan Mizell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
llima | Lorena Lima | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
cold900 | Lori Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
realtorlou | Lourdes Shadick | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
cold3301 | Lynda Hersey | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ilynnegrl | Lynne Adler | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LYNNEL | Lynnette Worden | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
mcpheron | Macy McPheron | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
madysenb | Madysen Bangerter | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
mgranada | Marcela Granada | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ELN | Margaret Null | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MARIJ | Mari Jones | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mcdill | Maria McDill | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MMVASQUEZ | Maria Vasquez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MBLUM | Maricel Blum | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MARILEE | Marilee Poon | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD099 | Marilyn Rogers | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DELRIOM | Mario DiMora | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mwestbrook | Mark Westbrook | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MAB | Mary Bowen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MSCHRAT | Mary Schratwieser | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mshart | Melissa Hart | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
mohnout | Melissa Ohnoutka | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MWENDELL | Meredith Wendell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
miakathy | Mia Kathy Mitchell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
selljesk | Michael Jeske | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MBLAKE | Michelle Blake | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MEVANSS | Michelle Evans | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
mcthomas | Michelle Thomas | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MilaPA | Mila Anglemyer | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MINDI | Mindi Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mkarlins | Myrna Karlins | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
NZWERNEM | Nancy Zwerneman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
lenaetyler | Naomi Lenae Tyler | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
nelant | Nelly Antimo | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Nsomes | Nicholas Somes | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
NESCH | Nicole Eschenfelder | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
NITAD | Nita Downum | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
elenalev | Olena Levenets | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
OLIVIAC | Olivia Cunningham | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BEAVERS | Pamela Beavers | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PJCAR | Pamela Carter | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JillJ | Pamela Jarvis | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PJARVIS | Pamela Jill Jarvis | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
pkelle | Pamela Kelley | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PRLHOME | Pamela Lawrence | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PATSARA | Patricia Abunasser | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CHANDLER | Patricia Chandler | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
zachzim | Patricia Zimmerman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PBOOZER | Paul Boozer | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PLIVESAY | Phillip Livesay | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RSantos607 | Rachael Santos | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
radaakh | Rada Akhundova-Renkowski | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Rkhaley | Raymond Haley | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
rjoseph | Rebecca Joseph | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Rebeccaw | Rebecca Wagner | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RENAN | Rena Streetman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RBSMITH | Renae Beaulieu-Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RRADAMS | Renee' Adams | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SHEPARDR | Rex Shepard | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RKSMITH | Rhonda Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Stallr | Richard Stallings | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
RIE | Riejan Edmison | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ritalb | Rita Brown | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BHARTUNG | Robert Hartung | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mxromy | Romina Ahn Lee | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RGarlinger | Ronald Garlinger | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RTORTI | Rosemarie Torti | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
RSWAN | Rosemary Swan | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RoyBurns | Roy Burns | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
HARRISSL | Sally Harris | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
sbachman | Samantha Bachman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CURRENT | Samuel Current | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
sndrmtz | Sandra Martinez | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
STrist | Sandra Tristan | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SWALSH | Sarah Walsh | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TISCHEN | Scott Tischendorf | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
STORELL | Scott Torell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD0909 | Sharon Hart | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
STEARE | Sharon Teare | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
sstamps | Sheila Stamps | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SBOOZER | Shelley Boozer | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
GAR | Shirley Rodes | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
silscott | Silvia Scott | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SFullen | Sonia Fullen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ssamp17 | Sonya Patterson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
STACIBUR | Staci Burchfield | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SPBERRY | Stanley Berry | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SDougan | Steffani Dougan | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PSTEPHANIE | Stephanie Phillips | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SREA | Stephanie Rea | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ssallick | Stephanie Sallick | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SHC | Stephen Callander | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
sbaring | Steve Baring | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SPKING | Steven Kingsbury | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
sbunsen | Sue Bunsen | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD19 | Sue Hadrych | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
shanley | Susan Hanley | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SUSANH | Susan Harris | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
sebhoffman | Susan Hoffman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SMSSWS | Suzanne Sanders | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD9090 | Talia Neely | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
tstice | Tami Stice | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
WEBSTER | Tammy Webster | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TANYAPAL | Tanya Palazuelos | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
tconwell | Tasha Conwell | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
TDiRoma | Tatyanna Diroma | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TRCONRAD | Teresa Conrad | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
TSOSBORNE | Terri Osborne | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
TAWILL | Terry Anne Williams | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TMILLER | Therese Miller | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TiffanyJ | Tiffany Johnson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
tdgirdrdat | Timothy Girardat | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
tdgirardot | Timothy Girardot | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TSaalw | Tina Saalwaechter | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Tina01 | Tina Stackhouse | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
ToddTh | Todd Thompson | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
ToddTh | Todd Thompson | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
trcannon | Tracie Cannon | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TEDMUNDS | Travis Edmunds | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
THWRIGHT | Travis Wright | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TSRachman | Tristan Rachman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
valeriaduque | Valeria Duque | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD1234 | Vanessa Hadrych | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Pazurduy | Veronica Azurduy | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BAEZNERV | Vicki Baezner | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Vcallander | Victoria Callander | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Randazzo | Victoria Randazzo | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
VAlbornoz | Virginia Albornoz | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
WLINDSEY | Walter Lindsey | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
wkcampo | Wanda Campo | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLDWilliam | William Castillo | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SOWDEN | William Sowden | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
YINGRAM | Yolanda Ingram | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
zachhj | Zach Hjornevik | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
zzimmerman | Zachary Zimmerman | Coldwell Banker Realty - The W | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.
This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.