Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup

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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License Name Company License Issued License Expires Status
ruchti Aaron Ruchti Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
adrianp Adrian Pena Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
aclj Adrienne Lewis-Jackson Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
awooten Albert Wooten Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
fhutto Alfred Hutto Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
allieroby Allison Roby Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ZEPEDAA Alma Zepeda Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
aruchti Amanda Ruchti Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Cold112 Amy McQuillen Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
AnaCOLD Ana Raab Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
anaraab Ana-Maria Raab Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
AndyFow Andrew Fowler Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
AndrewV Andrew Vargas Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ANELY Anely Gonzalez Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BEASON Angela Lanier Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Cbeauvais Anthony Beauvais Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
antchase Anthony Chase Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
acorr Anthony Correa Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
aprillee April Lee Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
amanrique Aracely Manrique Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Arielv Ariel Villarreal Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
obrn024 Ashley Banuelos Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
auggie Augustine Reyes Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BLH Beau Hamilton Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
alanisb Blanca Alanis Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
COLD0011 Blanca Gomez Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
bsulli Bobby Sullivan Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BSTK Bonnie Kindall Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
COLD111 Bonnie Kindall Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BradDrew Bradley Drew Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
BradyClark Brady Clark Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Britanni Britanni Channer Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
BLindsey Brooke Lindsey Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
brucean Bruce Nicholson Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
BRYNEW Bryan Newman Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
calebwhite Caleb White Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BUCKLAC Carol Buckland Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
kikin Carolyn Neumann Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SWILLEYC Catherine Swilley Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CATHYA Cathy Leonard Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CelezMH Celez Higginbotham Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
csaenz Cesar Saenz Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
cashby Chad Ashby Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
chbrown Chantel Brown Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CRSAP Charles Schrader Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CHAJDIK Chris Hajdik Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CHood Christine Hood Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
cadamez Courtney Adamez Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
cwolcott Craig Wolcott Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CHMILLER Cynthia Miller Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
darica Daric Ashy Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
upp Darren Upp Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
DHILLE David Hille Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
dhori David Hori Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
davedwm David Meyer Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
daves David Sternbaum Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
DWhisner David Whisner Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
dmhaywood Dawn Haywood Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
drbrackin Deborah Brackin Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
dmuniz Denise Muniz Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Bcwray Elizabeth Collins Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ELIZAV Elizabeth Villarreal Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ericpavord Eric Pavord Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
COLD113 Fallyn Lindsey Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
fprice Fedell Price Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
gnreyes German Reyes Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
GiselleG Giselle Gonzalez Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
gmouser Gregory Mouser Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LawyerGuyW Guy Williams Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
HarleyH Harley Hedgpeth Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
HNHENSON Heather Henson Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
hollym Holly Delmonico Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
hoytpage Hoyt Page Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Jadenputna Jaden Putnam-Smith Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ASBURYJ James Reese Asbury Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JKWIN James Winfield Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jannap Janna Palmer Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
cold10111 Jeanette Hutson Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JEFFLEVA Jeff Leva Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
COLD011011 Jennifer Carnahan Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jalvara Jeremy Alvarado Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
joeymbu Joey Mbu Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JMONT Jonathan Montalvo Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Jyoung23 Jonathan Young Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
brionesj Jorge Briones Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JBCMN Joseph Cirincione Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ryanbe Joseph Echiverri Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JRPALM Joshua Palmisano Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
juanr02 Juan Reyes Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
FREEDMAJ Judith Freedman Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jarobles Julio Robles Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KLWhite Kacey White Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
kyuille Kaila Yuille Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Kalee Kalee Baldwin Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
kmwalker Kate Walker Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KLOCK Kay Harnden Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KBANKS Kelley Banks Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KELLYWIN Kelly Winfield Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
kbeck Kimberly Beck Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KRISTYM Kristy Woods Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LDESOUZA Lacy DeSouza Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
cracknel Lauren Cracknell Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LAURIN Laurin Lindsey-Curran Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TAMBOREL Lena Tamborella Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ynp Leseh Palay Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LHULSEY Linda Hulsey Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
LWBAKER Lindsey Baker Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LISAKAY Lisa Woods Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
gillaspie Lyla Gillaspie Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
lhodges Lyndsay Hodges Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
marias Maria Sganga Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MarianCOLD Marian Mackson Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MReyes41 Marie Reyes Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
WIENERM Marilyn Wiener Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MWelch Mark Welch Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MaryCOLD Mary Grimes Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MARYJANE Mary Jane Bradshaw Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MXYDAS Mary Xydas Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
maygang Maygan Gilliland Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
COLD085 Melissa Hickox Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MBerglund Michael Berglund Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MKukrall Michelle Kukrall Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
sailman Mike Boyle Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BRYANT Mike Bryant Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MOARTEAGA Moises Arteaga Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Amakis Monica Boykin Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mkmeeks Monica Meeks Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mlathan Morrisa Lathan Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Nserna Narciso Serna Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NMStewart Nichelle Stewart Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
NHARRIS Nicholas Harris Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ncastillo Nora Castillo Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ozziea Ozzie Ausburne Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
pajoban Patrick Banks Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
psheets Patty Sheets Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
PAULHINOJ Paul Hinojosa Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
PNichols Peyton Nichols Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
PVAUGHN Phillip Vaughn Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
cold013 Philomene Cannon Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RaulGarcia Raul Garcia Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
RebeccaCOLD Rebecca Martinez Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
rgossett Rebekah Gossett Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rdj2945 Robert Jeffrey Coldwell Banker Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rodsa Rodney Sa Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RJTREV Rogelio Trevino Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
rosieflores Rosie Flores Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rudysavalos Rudy Avalos Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rsadams Ruth Adams Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MEYNCOLD Sara Meyn Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SarahCOLD Sarah Gruver Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SBEEGLE Sarah Miller Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
samorris Sherry Morris Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
sbella Syntel Bellard Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SmithTan Tanya Smith Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TERCOFF Teresa Coffman Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TERRIA Terri Almendarez Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TERR11212 Terri Edwards Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CODDINGT Terry Coddington Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Terynce Terynce Roach Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TerreAlex Therese Alexander Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
VILLANUT Thomas Villanueva Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
valon Valerie Valon Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
wendyej Wendy Jones Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
bwiener William Wiener Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Yazminrdz Yazmin Rodriguez Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
yjgarcia Yesica Garcia Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Yulia Yulia Polunina Coldwell Banker Realty - Heigh 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive

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