Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup

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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License Name Company License Issued License Expires Status
abbysce Abby Caldwell StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
abletoclose Abel Garcia StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Drumgo Ahmad Drumgo StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ASalvo Alexandria Salvo StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ADaniels Alfred Daniels StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
AmandaLT Amanda Torres StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Veddeat Andrew Vedder StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
AngieF Angela Rhea StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Teamfamily8 Angela Tatum StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
anika Anika Bryant Williams StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
annbanks Ann Banks StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
AFISHER Annetta Fisher StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
aganniec Annie Chen StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
agrigsby Anthoney Grigsby StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
amketchum Antionette Ketchum StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Armageddon Armageddon Lee StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SSRL011 Asa Knapp StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
astrum Astrum Lucis StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
AUNDRA Aundra White-Carter StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
BAckley Becky Ackley StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
baekltd Benjamine Baek StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Bnavalta Bianca Navalta StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
BREANNAH Breanna Holzscherer StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
BPIRKL Brenda Pirkl StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
BrentLS Brent Shedrick Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
bkanady Brian Kanady StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Bmrealty Brittany Rushing StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
carlosej Carlos Johnson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Casaldana Carlos Saldana StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CAROLES Carole Singleton StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
COrtego Caroline Ortego StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CARRING Carrin Huber-Garcia StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
0648021 Casey Denton StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
moetchad Chadwick Ricks StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
chasity Chasity Harris StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
cbclark Chip Clark StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
cbarron Chris Barron StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ChrisRH Christopher Hollomon StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SSRL015 Clarie Kilcoyne StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
coetta Coetta Wilson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
cdshelton Corey Shelton StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
crickel Cory Rickel StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CoryVan Cory Van Eenenaam StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
cindysims Cynthia Sims StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Morend Daisy Moreno StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Dalilasand Dalila Sandoval StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
0738524 David Biersner StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KINKOSS David Closner StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Deangelo Deangelo Buchanan StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DeCole Deborah Cole StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
dbarriere Denicia Barriere StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
drbarker Denise Barker StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DrKliem Denise Kliem StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DeonteR Deonte Reyes StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DevJones Devin Jones StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DonaldRay Donald Ray StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
DONRAY Donald Ray No Firm Reported 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RICED Donna Rice StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SSRL01 Eduardo Torres StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
EACEVEDO Eliseo Acevedo StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CLARKE Ella Jean Clark StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
STEP1111 Erick Beltran StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
erickleon Erick Leon StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ecabello Erika Cabello StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
lalamaldo Esmeralda Maldonado Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
GABRIELDP Gabriel Hennessy StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
StanAbc George Abiassi StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
HollyBell Holly Bell StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
igor Igor Longoria StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ISAMARIE Isabel Putman StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
HARTJB J. Barry Hart StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JRSanchez Jacklyn Sanchez Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JadenC Jaden Castro Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
doherjam James Doherty StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jrnixon Jarrett Nixon StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JasonBryan Jason Jones StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jencan Jennifer Canas StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
jkmulv Jennifer Mulvaney StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JenniferOk Jennifer Okolo StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
halghalg Jennifer Rogers StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JeriDicker Jeri Dickerson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
johndvs John Davis StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
jjaramillo John Jaramillo StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jvaldes Jose Valdes StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
joycelg Joyce Ighedosa StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JustinDees Justin Dees Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MrBradley Justin Henderson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KaceyLee Kacey Gorringe StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
kadian Kadian Lewis StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KDLamphier Karen Lamphier StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KatieHines Katherine Hines Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KOWest Kathy West StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KayeW Kaye Wilson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
kendalls Kendall Kaafarani StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
LIMBRICK Kendra Limbrick StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
kerrydaly Kerry Daly StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Ater Kimberly Ater StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KristenWM Kristen Welk-Moolchan Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SSRL1 LaQiana Lewis StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
leAnne LeAnne KulikovskisKenney StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
lnchapman Leslie Chapman StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
lmharvey Lindsay Harvey StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
lolaspell Lola Spell StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
LoriDe Lori Deleranko StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LOGarcia Lourdes Garcia StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
marhud Marianne Horton StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CALCAGNO Mario Calcagno StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MBurks001 Mark Burks Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
mchiari Massimo Chiari StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
medwin Matthew DeLeon StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mviebrock Matthew Viebrock StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
meeraa Meera Ajodha Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
VindonInv Melissa Bennett StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mrmdh Meljess Hill StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MiAndra Michael Andrade StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MMassey Michael Massey StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MoHart Moses Hart StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
monti Motiryo Bailey StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
NGuo Na Guo StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
nwwwilliam Natasha Williams StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
naushirm Naushir Maredia StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Nelson13 Nelson Aviles Borrero StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
nicksssl Nicholas Douglas StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Nichole Nichole Drayton StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SSRL012 Nick Pelletiere StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NFlores Nicole Denise Flores StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
OlamideK Olamide Kayode Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Ocarrico Olivia Carrico Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Eaglemtz Omar Martinez StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mstrisha Patricia Harper StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
PSabrsula Paula Sabrsula StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
pfain Peter Fain StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
PiiparRivera Piipar Rivera StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
PiiparRivera Piipar Rivera StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
RVines Rachel Vines StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
riwright06 Raymond Wright StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
rstriebeck Rebecca Striebeck StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
RhondaRW Rhonda Warren StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SSRL001 Richard Rogers StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
RickCampos Rick Campos StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
yapayma Robert Blair StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rociotx Rocio Gonzalez StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
DuncanRJ Roderick Duncan StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RRobledo Roman Robledo Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ronakdalal Ronak Dalal StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Ronaldtc Ronald Courville StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rosich Rosa Corrales Herran StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SVKholamkar Sachin Kholamkar StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SARAHK Sarah Kennebeck StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
scottbuckel Scott Buckel StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Dossani Shahanaz Dossani StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
fritoes Shamsideen Odoffin StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
shaunexp Shaunte Roberson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SParso Shawn Parson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
sgailmabry Shikina Gail Mabry StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JORDANH Shourn Henderson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
nhat Simon Nguyen StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
niahymes Sonya Hymes StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Stevelc Steve Crawford StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
waltonsn Stevette Walton StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
suchitasaya Suchita Manandhar-Pant StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Tamberly Tamberly Hankins-Wojcik StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
COOKTARA Tara Cook StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
TARAS Tara Saunders StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
TempleS Temple Spears StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TFREEMAN Terrie Freeman StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
irisht Theresa Wallace StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
tledwards Tiffany Edwards Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
villasana Timoteo Villasana StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
tridge Tyishia Ridge Stepstone Realty Llc 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
urielluna Uriel Luna StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Helpfulagt Uriel Washington StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
VKONG Vivienne Kong StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
weflynn Wendy Flynn StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
WILBERTW Wilbert Williams StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
xaviermls Xavier Johnson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Yaztx Yazmin Zuniga Salazar StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
vkyent Yuliana Marflor StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ywjohns Yvette Johnson StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
lernerstep llyssa Lerner StepStone Realty LLC 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active

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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.

This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.

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